What drives us is also very individual. But there are a few motivational methods that always apply:
Motivation method 1: Set realistic goals
A good goal is clearly formulated, attractive and realistic. It is therefore important to find out as much as possible about the path to achieving it before formulating your exact goal and to be clear about the individual steps and the strategy that is right for you.
Motivation method 2:Think positive
Believe in yourself! None of this is rocket science. It is possible if you are truly convinced - and you are with credible, scientifically based support. Set your goal, stick to it and take one step at a time - come what may. Success will follow!
Motivation method 3: Tell your friends
Get family and friends on board. This is one of the most effective methods of motivation for several reasons. By talking about your goals, you commit yourself to them and internalize them with the individual steps. In general, those around you support you in your endeavors and express understanding, which in turn encourages you!
Motivation method 4: Healthy food = delicious food = motivation to stick with it
Yes, yes, healthy eating. That sounds boring, expensive and time-consuming at first. But it's not difficult to integrate healthy eating into your everyday life if you know how. Once your diet has become healthier, you won't want to go back. OK, there are exceptions, but most of the time you choose the healthier alternative if you have the choice. The body notices what is good for it and it tastes like real food.
Motivation method 5: Distraction from the snack
The most effective distraction is exercise. Calories are burned and hunger is banished. Stress eaters in particular benefit twice from exercise. Try different sports, make your training varied, get professional help, join a sports club or find a training partner. No matter what, the main thing is that you exercise!
Motivation method 6: Move in everyday life
Skip the elevator, get off the bus one or two stops early, use your lunch break to go for a walk or do some strength exercises in front of the TV. With a little imagination, you can get plenty of exercise into your everyday life. This not only keeps your body fit, but is also a valuable pick-me-up for your immune system.
Motivation method 7: Reward yourself
Have you reached a milestone? BRAVO! It is important that you celebrate your successes. This also boosts your motivation. When defining your goals, write a reward behind each goal or hang a picture of the reward above your desk.
Motivation Method 8: Have fun
Do you have to go without food the whole time while you're losing weight? No! Make losing weight fun:
- Listen to an audio book or music while jogging or walking
- Just buy something healthy that you have never tried before and see how it tastes
- Try new sports
Motivation method 9: Your health – probably the most important reason
Your health will thank you: if you weigh less, the risk of diabetes, heart attack, stroke and even cancer is reduced. Less weight is also better for your joints and spine.
Motivation method 10: Just get started!
Define goals, eat healthily, exercise... Don't get stuck in the preparations for losing weight. Just get started - step by step.